LeFlore County Youth Services
Board & Staff

A fifteen year old shelter resident wrote...

Living in the shelter can be hard or it can be easy. It all depends on your outlook on things. For instance, you may be told that one of the workers in mean, but once you get to know them you realize just how nice they really are. Well, except for when you don't follow the rules!! And you can't do anything except respect them for the love of their job and the love for the kids. They all have their own responisbilities and still yet they say, "If you ever need anything at all you know where to reach me." Now is that not going above and beyond the call of duty or what? Well, whatever you think about the shelter, just know that it is a place for everyone who sees no hope in anything anymore to see just how much their worth and see how much hope there really is. The shelter makes you see what a home should be with loving and caring people, it is the thing it is called...A Shelter...A shelter from all the evil and cruelty of the world.

Two  Comments About the Summer Recreation  and Photography Programs

I really enjoyed the float trips and the photography classes. They allowed me to experience some things that I never would have had the chance to do being from a poor family.

I took the photography classes when I was a teenager and I really enjoyed it ... I still think of stuff we learned back then and look at the pictures and proud to say that I took and developed them when I was a kid...

Another client, who was being seen as part of his probation stated ...

"I am off of probation in a month but I have asked my probation officer if I can keep coming to counseling with you guys because I think it's helping."

A former LCYS Youth...
I wanted to share my story with you about how LCYS helped me. Growing up, I didn't have a father around, and my mother had a very difficult time being a single mother. She liked to go out a lot, and she brought a lot of men in and out of our home that never stuck around. I had a lot of anger towards her, and I blamed her for my dad leaving. I was also forced to be a babysitter for my 2 younger sisters while she worked and partied. Because of my anger, I wanted away from my mother so badly that I ran away a few times. Well, my mother finally decided to get me counseling, and I came to LCYS to receive my counseling with Jim Berngen. He was a savior for me as was LCYS! He gave me a safe place to discuss my feelings and intercepted my mom's feedback so that I wasn't scared to fully participate. I also spent a week at The Reed House during this time as well. Not a lot of people know these things about me, but honestly, I know that had I not had the opportunity to go to LCYS I may have found myself in a lot more trouble now.